Friday, June 17, 2011

Etra Credit 1 Running Dry

The colorado river is the main source of water for california, where we live.  The damming of the colorado river allows us to have a reliable water source. Except for when there is a water shortage in the river, we may not be able to have a reliable source of water. Especially because we share the colorado river with many other states. Over the last decades there had been a shortage on the water, the water is running very low. The climate change maybe cause a decrease in the flow of the river. In the next 40 years the river is expected to loose 5 to 20 percent of its water. When the tempter starts to increase, more water is lost because of evaporation. Nevada has experienced some difficulties, especially because they only get a little percent of the river's water. The people of Nevada have to life on a very strict schedule with watering their pants, and cars because they only get a small portion and because the river is loosing some of its water.  Most people around the world are very worried about the water shortage. For example people of southwest Australians had the worst drought in almost a decade, they created a device where they could remove the salt out of the ocean water and purify it, allowing them to have larger source of water. The water shortage from the colorado river may strain our economy, and our life style. WIth a shortage of water in the colorado river we might be in a water shortage, in a water drought. So we need to conserve our water, and not take long showers, do the laundry once a week instead of two or three times a week

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